Darren and Yosh in Reunion

Our year or so in the middle of nowhere: Reunion Island....

Friday, June 23, 2006

Stick insect...

Not really a blog, but I just thought this is really cool (if you are a lay-entomologist like me!).The video is from a Proc. B article (Maginnis 2006)...


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hindu festival..

We went to a hindu festival the other day, invited by a friend of a friend . I'm guessing from the colonial style mansion that he and his family inhabit, that he is the richest man on Reunion! The night was a real experience as we ate in the traditional way (fingers!). This was difficult enough with the main course (some very tasty curries), but almost impossible with the desert: a sweet (very soupy) tapioca!! More soon...