Darren and Yosh in Reunion

Our year or so in the middle of nowhere: Reunion Island....

Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Thought I should discuss chickungunya (lè chik as they call it here!) since Reunion is now famous for it!. Before we arrived they were recording around 4000 new cases per week, so we were a bit concerned to say the least! Now it is a 'mere' 1000 cases per week. I have been bitten by mozzies; its impossible to avoid and for the first week we were here I was paranoid that I had 'le chik' until my boss said that he gets bitten everyday! Its a very strange thing and they know very little about it. Some people have fever for a day and then that's it, no further problems, but others have a chronic form that is debilitating for years. I guess I'll just keep putting on the old 'Bushman's' for now!.....


Blogger Darren Peck said...

Actually, I saw on the news it is now 'merely' 500 new cases per week. There seems to definitely be fewer mozzies around now...

7:52 AM  

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